Home » Avoiding Animal-Vehicle Collisions
January 11, 2016

Avoiding Animal-Vehicle Collisions

Avoiding Animal-Vehicle Collisions

Staying safe during your drive can be a challenge, especially when it involves an unexpected deer or other animal running across the road. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly one-quarter of all animal and vehicle crashes result in some form of bodily injury or vehicle damage. Whether driving in the country or city, here are some tips to keep you safe on the road: 

  • Remain alert at all times and watch out for animals. 
  • Slow down if you see an animal up ahead, as they are generally unpredictable. Sound your horn with a long blast to scare them away.
  • Use your high beams at night to see animals easier. 
  • Slow down on blind curve areas of the roadway.
  • Watch your speed, especially during dusk and at night. 
  • Have your vehicle’s breaks and tires checked regularly to ensure they are in safe working order. 
  • Slow down at designated animal crossing areas marked by road signs. These signs indicate the area has a lot of animal traffic and an increased potential for accidents. 
  • Watch out for movement and shiny eyes on the roadsides. Slow down if you see anything suspicious. 
  • If you see an animal in front of you, do not swerve because it may cause you to hit another vehicle, side rail or lose control altogether. Instead, brake immediately.
  • Always wear a seat belt

In the Event You Hit an Animal:

  • Pull off to the side of the road and call the state patrol or local police department. 
  • Do not attempt to move the animal if it is lying in the middle of the road. 
  • Do not leave your vehicle to check on an injured animal, as it may still be alive and potentially dangerous to you. 
  • Call Tyner Insurance Group, Inc. to report the accident. 

Tyner Insurance Group, Inc. Keeps You Safe on the Road

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